Toothache Causes and Home Remedies

Hello! Welcome to the Blog of Page for USA. We are going to see the Toothache causes and home remedies to cure the severe tooth pain. Your personality is reflected in your gorgeous smile, and healthy, pearly-white teeth are considered as the first indication of wellbeing. Many people are deprived of knowledge about maintaining dental health and how to take care of teeth to keep them strong. Nowadays, we must have seen the instances of some people in the age of 40-45 years who have got removed all their teeth due to toothache and installed artificial teeth or braces. A toothache is a pain that occurs in or near a tooth. Minor toothaches can come from a temporary gum irritation that you can treat at home. Toothache Causes and Home Remedies

Many people suffer from constant toothache. Because the teeth are directly connected to the brain, it is very painful. In toothache the head hurts a lot, the mouth and cheeks are very swollen. This swelling rises up to the eyes. In such a situation we have to suffer a lot while eating food.

To save you from this problem, we are going to tell you the Toothache Causes and Home Remedies.

Toothache Causes and Home Remedies

Toothache Causes 

Brittle teeth 

Many people are born with brittle teeth. Such teeth feel throbbing if they eat anything hot or very cold. Due to this, the entire jaw starts to hurt along with the teeth. The state of these individuals deteriorates until the toothache disappears. Sensitive teeth are likely to be brittle teeth. Bruxism is the situation, the repeated friction and stress from grinding or clenching your teeth can wear down your tooth enamel, leading to weak, brittle teeth.

Consuming hard-dry-solid foods 

Many people have a habit of eating hard food. When consuming meat, biting the bone, nut puts more stress on the teeth, thus increasing toothache. Having hard food puts more load on the teeth and makes it difficult for the teeth to bite the food. The tooth is more exercised until the hard material is softened in the saliva. Constantly eating hard foods can also cause teeth to fall out.

Trauma or injury to the tooth 

The most frequent cause is sports-related accidents, yet violence is still a major factor in tooth injuries. When people fight, the face and teeth are frequently considered as targets, which can result in broken, fractured, or knocked out teeth. Everybody slips, occasionally for dumb reasons. You typically only scrape your knee or get your skirt stained. But occasionally, hitting your mouth can result in a tooth injury. Accidents involving cars, motorcycles, and bicycles can potentially damage teeth.

Tooth Decay 

Excessive consumption of sweets, chocolate causes tooth cavities. Sugars and carbohydrates from food and drink interact with bacteria that cause decomposition to create an acid. The enamel of the tooth may be harmed by this acid, which may cause it to lose minerals. If you frequently consume meals and liquids, particularly those high in sugar and carbs, this could occur. Minerals will continue to be lost from the enamel due to the continuous repetitions of these “acid attacks.” Over time, the enamel is weakened and then destroyed, forming a cavity.

Consuming sour foods 

Consuming too much acidic food destroys the enamel layer on the tooth and if the upper layer of the tooth is removed, stains and pits appear on the tooth, this also causes tooth pain.

Brushing teeth too long 

Do not brush your teeth for more than three minutes. It causes more toothache. A lot of people brush their teeth for an extended period of time, which wears down the enamel. The enamel layer is the protective layer, so the tooth is not affected by cold, heat and provides good protection. However, if the enamel layer is removed due to continuous tooth brushing, the tooth becomes severely damaged and cannot eat anything.


Pyorrhea is basically a gum disease that are a result of poor oral hygiene leading to tooth and gum decay and ultimately, bleeding of gums. Bleeding gums during brushing teeth or eating are the first signs of Pyorrhea. The areas adjacent to the gums of the tooth become sore and pus forms, making it very difficult to bite and eat food and bleeding begins.

Toothache Home remedies 


Turmeric contains a compound called curcumin, which is antibacterial, germicide, and pain relieving. A turmeric paste is easy to make and can temporarily ease your toothache. Turmeric, salt and water together and heat this mixture a little on gas. This should be pressed like a paste on the aching tooth. This also stops your toothache.


Clove is especially essential for oral health. It is clinically proven that Clove oil can relieve tooth pain and bad breath. A cotton ball dipped in clove oil and pressed on the aching tooth immediately stops the pain.


Salt also works excellently against toothache. You should hold a pinch of salt on the aching tooth. Sodium in salt reduces pain and also stops toothache.


Onion has analgesic properties. Take a small onion and cut it into four pieces. Now remove one petal from each piece and place this petal on the tooth that hurts and hold it until the whole onion is finished. This stops the toothache immediately.


Garlic has antibacterial properties. Peel all the cloves of garlic and press it on the aching tooth. The juice of the garlic spreads around and stop tooth decay. Using the affected tooth, tenderly bite on a stripped clove of garlic. This will release allicin that kills bacteria that may be partially responsible for your pain. Let the chewed clove rest on the tooth. The juice of the garlic spread around and stop tooth decay.

Asafetida and Sweet Lemon Juice

Asafetida is considered an extremely effective remedy for toothache. Take 1spoon of asafetida and add 3 spoon of lemon juice to it. Take a cotton ball and dip it in the mixture and now press this ball on the aching tooth. Hold until the juice is completely drained and dry. If you do these five to six times, you will feel the pain gradually decrease.

Alum and Cardamom Seeds

Break alum and roast it on a pan. Take seeds of 2-3 cardamoms and roast them with alum. Grind this mixture well. Take this mixture in a pinch and apply it on the painful tooth from all sides. Alum makes the mouth salivate, but the saliva should be spit out. Ensure to apply the mixture to the aching tooth again and again. Alum disinfects the mouth and stops toothache.These all are home remedy for toothache

Message  for the People

“Hope this information finds you valuable to have a best smile on your face. Love teeth, Hate toothache..! A complete tooth makes kissing sweet..!” 😊


  • How can I make my toothache go away? unbearable tooth pain what to do?
    Rinse with warm saltwater. Saltwater can act as a disinfectant and reduce inflammation. Rinse with hydrogen peroxide. A hydrogen peroxide helps to reduce inflammation and pain.
  • What is the fastest way to stop a toothache?
    It is always better to take a painkiller for instant relief from Toothache. Please do not consume it quite frequently. You can apply Analgesic gel. Having a Peppermint tea also helps to reduce the toothache.
  • What is the best toothache medicine?
    ibuprofen, aspirin, Motrin, acetaminophen are more effective against toothaches. To find fast relief from toothache pain, take one of these over-the-counter remedies as prescribed.
  • Is it better to save a tooth or pull it?
    Be sure to consider the implications before making the decision to remove it. Whenever feasible, it’s best to keep your natural teeth. The strength of modern dental prosthesis isn’t as great as that of genuine teeth, despite their durability.
  • What drink helps a toothache? how to stop tooth pain fast at home?
    As a natural disinfectant, salt water can help dislodge food scraps and other debris that may have become lodged between your teeth. Using salt water to treat a toothache can also help with oral wound healing and inflammation reduction.

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