Get rid of bad breath with Yoga

Imagine, a luncheon is organized in the company for a recent success. All your colleagues, board members are present. You too are dressed in fancy clothes, high heels. Your personality is so attractive that everyone is coming to talk to you. Even though your dress is nice, your personality looks beautiful, you are uncomfortable when you notice one thing, that is your bad breath. Starts moving away from or the conversation repeats itself. On this occasion, a great opportunity to influence your superiors is missed. No matter how open and beautiful your personality, dress looks, all this is watered down due to bad breath. It spoils the evening. We have faced such situations in our life at one time or another. In medical terminology, bad breath is called “halitosis”. Due to this, we feel uncomfortable, we start losing confidence gradually. But it is not true at all, there are other reasons for bad breath. Like irregular eating habits, indigestion, drinking less water and what kind of food we eat, etc. things cause bad breath.

Get rid of bad breath with Yoga

According to researchers, those whose mouths are moist inside do not suffer from bad breath, but those whose mouths are dry inside suffer from bad breath. Smoking or drinking alcohol also causes bad breath. Also, due to the white plaque on the tongue, many types of micro-organisms are created there and the breath starts to smell bad. Oral hygiene should always be a priority. But sometimes bad breath does not go away even after all the remedies. Then there is no problem to take help of yoga as another remedy. Yoga is considered as a physical exercise. But bad breath can go away with yoga. , helps reduce stress and calms the mind.

Get rid of bad breath with Yoga

Yoga can help improve overall health, including oral health, which can contribute to bad breath. Here are some yoga poses and practices that may help answer that how to get rid of bad breath.

Kapalbhati Pranayama:

This is a breathing exercise that can help to cleanse the respiratory system and improve digestion. To perform Kapalbhati, sit in a comfortable cross-legged position, place your hands on your knees, and take a deep breath in. Exhale sharply and forcefully through your nose, pulling your belly in towards your spine. Repeat for several rounds, gradually increasing the speed and intensity.

Simhasana (Lion Pose):

This is a yoga pose that involves stretching your facial muscles, throat, and neck. To perform Simhasana, kneel on the floor with your legs folded under you, place your hands on your knees, and take a deep breath in. Exhale through your mouth with a loud “ha” sound while sticking out your tongue as far as possible.

Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend):

This pose helps to improve blood flow and digestion, which can contribute to fresher breath. Stand with your feet hip-distance apart and fold forward, letting your hands hang down towards the floor or holding your elbows. Relax your head and neck, and take deep breaths.

Gargling with Saltwater:

After practicing yoga, gargling with saltwater can help to further cleanse the mouth and eliminate bacteria that can cause bad breath. Mix a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water and gargle for 30 seconds before spitting it out.

In addition to these practices, it is important to maintain good oral hygiene habits, such as brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing regularly, to prevent bad breath. Drinking plenty of water and avoiding foods that are high in sugar and processed carbohydrates can also help to promote better oral health.

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